Semester Study Away Financial Planning
Trinity College Home School Tuition (HST) Policy for Study Away
Students and their families are responsible for understanding the Home School Tuition (HST) policy and should carefully review the information below including the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Trinity Signature Programs ONLY: Students will be billed by Trinity College Student Accounts for ALL program fees. Follow the links below to review the Trinity program fees website.
- Trinity in Cape Town
- Trinity/LaMaMa Performing Arts Program in NYC
- Trinity Rome Campus
- Trinity in Vienna
Approved External Programs (AEP) ONLY: Students studying at an AEP will received two separate bills for the semester.
- Trinity College will bill students for Trinity Tuition and the General Fee ONLY.
- The student’s specific study away program will bill the student directly for all non-academic program fees ONLY (possible fees: room, board, deposit, etc.).
IMPORTANT: Students studying at an AEP will NOT pay tuition directly to their program.

Learn more about HST
Review the entire Home School Tuition Policy.
What does Home School Tuition (HST) mean?
Through Trinity’s new “Home School Tuition” policy, students pay Trinity tuition when studying away on Trinity and Trinity-Approved External Programs (AEPs), and they earn Trinity academic credit on all Trinity and AEP semester study away programs. All academic credits and grades earned on all Trinity-approved semester study away programs are treated as Trinity College credits and grades. All Trinity College academic regulations apply to students studying for Trinity credit abroad. The courses, credits, and grades are reviewed, approved, and posted on the Trinity academic transcript and course grades are calculated into the student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average.
Why did the college make this change?
Global study of all kinds is a defining, integral aspect of a Trinity education. But study away opportunities have not been accessible to all students. Moving to the HST policy allows the college to eliminate the $3,500 per semester study away fee, which was not covered by financial aid. In awarding Trinity academic credit for all approved study away programs, the new policy also makes such opportunities available to many more students and integrates study away more fully into the college’s curriculum. Trinity students paying home school tuition are eligible for financial aid on the same basis as when they are studying at Trinity in Hartford.
What if I choose a program whose tuition is more than Trinity College tuition?
Trinity will pay the program’s tuition up to the Trinity tuition rate amount. Students who elect to go on approved programs with a higher tuition cost would pay the difference between the program rate and the Trinity rate.
What if I choose a program whose tuition is less than Trinity College tuition?
You would pay Trinity tuition. With the portability of institutional financial aid for study away, any tuition surplus is returned to the financial aid pool, exactly as is done when students are on campus.
How will my financial aid apply to Study Away?
Students with financial aid who are approved to participate in study away under the HST policy will have their financial aid package reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid for the semester or year that they will be abroad. In some instances, the total aid amount may be adjusted, based on the total cost of the program abroad. Federal Work-Study wages, by U.S. law, are not portable for study abroad. However, in some cases that amount can be replaced by additional loan or outside grant aid in order to keep the student’s financial aid total the same.
Expected family contribution is developed under the same methodology whether or not a student is studying domestically or studying away. Students will be billed at the domestic rate. The cost of attendance will reflect Trinity tuition and fees and actual living and travel costs. Trinity College’s financial aid package will meet the family’s demonstrated need 100%. The financial aid package for students on study away will not include an expectation of work for that term.
Who will bill me for study away under the HST policy?
Students participating in study away under the HST model remain responsible for payment to both Trinity College and the host institution or approved external program for each term of enrollment. Students will receive two bills:
One bill will include charges for tuition and a general fee at the prevailing rates for full time study at Trinity College, to be billed by the Office of Student Accounts. Any/all financial aid is applied against Trinity College’s tuition and fees before any other charges. Any disbursed financial aid remaining after all of Trinity’s tuition and fees are satisfied will be refunded to the student or a parent borrower, as appropriate. Tuition and fees at the host institution will be paid directly by Trinity College.
The student will be billed by the host institution for tuition differential (if any), room and board, travel, books and supplies, program deposits and other miscellaneous expenses associated with the course of study. While financial aid packages will be calculated based on the total cost of the program abroad, payment of fees outside of Trinity’s tuition and general fee are the sole responsibility of the student. It is expected that any refund a student receives from Trinity College after the disbursement of financial aid will be applied against these charges.
NOTE: Some study abroad programs require that certain fees be paid up front and out of pocket, regardless of the types and amounts of financial assistance a student has applied for and is receiving. Some examples of such fees would be an enrollment deposit, damage deposit, insurance fee, round trip airfare, taxes, and fuel charges. Students should contact the host program for information regarding their payment policies. Full payment of the program is the sole responsibility of the student; Trinity College will have no responsibility to pay any expenses to the host institution beyond the host institutions’ mandatory charges related directly to instruction.
What happens if I cancel my study away plans?
Students enrolled in study away under Trinity’s HST policy will be subject to Trinity’s standard Tuition and Fee Refund policy. In addition, any additional charges incurred by Trinity College that resulted from the cancellation of a students’ intention to enroll in a study away program will be passed to the student, regardless of whether the student enrolls at Trinity College for domestic study in the same term they had intended to study away, or if they choose to withdrawal for that term. In instances of financial hardship, students may appeal for assistance to cover their cancellation costs. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Director of Financial Aid.
Can I take a leave of absence or voluntary withdrawal when studying away and get transfer credit when I come back?
While taking a leave of absence or a voluntary withdrawal, a Trinity student must follow the required process of the Office of Study Away and the Dean of Students in order to receive Trinity academic credit. No academic credit is approved or awarded otherwise.
Does the policy apply to summer and short-term study away programs?
The Home School Tuition policy does not apply to summer or short-term study away programs, which run outside of the academic year.
Click here to read the full Trinity College Home School Tuition policy. Please contact the Office of Study Away by email at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Financial Aid and Study Away
Review the following links to understand how Financial Aid and Study Away works.
Financial Aid Process for Study Away
Study Away FAQ – Financial Aid
The main contact in the Financial Aid Office for study away students is Morgan Pohorylo.

More helpful resources
Studying abroad is one of the most rewarding and impactful experiences you will have as a student. If you’re like many students, you’ve considered study abroad, but due to what you’ve heard or read, you may have already decided that you can’t afford to do it. You are not alone in thinking this but through scholarships, grants, loans, fundraising and other forms of financial aid, it can be possible.
Below is information regarding different scholarship opportunities for study abroad and also be sure to check out our brochure “You Can Afford to Study Away” which has additional tips and suggestions. This brochure is available through the Trinity College Financial Aid Office and the Office of Study Away.
National Scholarships
Boren Scholarships
Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, central and eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
BUTEX (British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association) Scholarships
BUTEX is pleased to offer scholarships for students currently registered at an institution in the USA. To be eligible to apply you must have been offered a place as a study abroad or exchange student at a UK university which is a member of BUTEX. BUTEX promotes mobility between universities and colleges in the UK and North America. The Association represents over eighty higher education institutions in the United Kingdom with active transatlantic links and interest.
Bridging Project
The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan. Funding from private foundations and major U.S. corporations, through donations to the nonprofit US-Japan Bridging Foundation, makes it possible to award about 100 scholarships each year to assist students with the travel and living expenses they will incur while studying abroad in Japan for a semester or an academic year. Applications are accepted twice a year for Bridging Scholarships.
Corinne Jeannine Schillings Foundation
The Foundation supports the study abroad experience of an undergraduate student who is the recipient of the Girl Scout Silver or Gold Award, irrespective of major or minor. The scholarship provides $1,000 directly to the awardee upon verification that they have begun their study abroad experience. Students of any major are eligible and must have been accepted to an accredited study abroad program.
DiMattio Celli Family Study Abroad Scholarship
The UNICO Foundation will grant two scholarships, valued at $1,250 each, for study in Italy. Candidates must be currently attending, full-time, an accredited college or university in the United States, pursuing a degree. The study abroad program must be eligible for credit by the student’s college/university. An applicant must be a United States citizen of Italian descent.
Education in Ireland
There are hundreds of scholarships available for international students from a wide variety of sources such as the Government of Ireland, the Irish higher education institutions and other organizations. These are awarded solely at the discretion of the individual organizations that set down their own criteria for eligibility.
Education New Zealand: Generation Study Abroad Excellence and Travel Awards
Offering a wide variety of scholarships for study abroad in New Zealand.
Fund for Education Abroad
The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) invites applications from undergraduate students for FEA Scholarships. Scholarships (up to $5,000) are intended to support students planning to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs of four weeks or longer. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as undergraduates in U.S. universities/colleges who plan to study abroad. Funding preference may be given for students from underrepresented groups attending a program with a strong service-learning or volunteering component in a nontraditional destination. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
Fulbright Scholarships
The study/research grant category includes projects in both academic and arts fields. Study/research grants are available in approximately 140 countries. Applicants for these grants design their own projects and will typically work with advisers at foreign universities or other institutes of higher education. Program requirements vary by country, so the applicant’s first step is to familiarize himself or herself with the program summary for the host country. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Massachusetts’ International Study Abroad Scholarship
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Massachusetts awards an International Study Abroad Scholarship of up to $600 to undergraduate or graduate students. To qualify the recipient must be a student maintaining legal residence in Massachusetts. You must be an undergraduate or graduate student maintaining legal residence in Massachusetts.
Gilman Scholarships
The Gilman Scholarship Program supports undergraduate Pell Grant recipients studying abroad for summer, semester, or academic year programs. Over 2,300 scholarships of up to $5,000 are typically awarded each academic year. Award amounts vary depending on the length of study and student need, with the average award being approximately $4,000. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
Go Overseas Study Abroad Scholarship
The Go Overseas Study Abroad Scholarship is open to all current or aspiring study abroad students. Scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarship is awarded based on the creativity and analytical thinking displayed through writing samples, photos, and/or video submissions.
Golden Key Study Abroad Scholarships
Undergraduate members of the Golden Key Honor Society who are currently enrolled in a study abroad program or who will be enrolled the academic year immediately following the granting of the award are eligible for one of ten $1,000 awards presented each year. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
Institute of International Education Scholarship Directory
This directory features detailed descriptions of hundreds of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, grants, and paid internships for U.S. undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, and professionals. Application is made through individual websites.
International Scholarship Search
The International Scholarship Search has a comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information to assist college and university students in their pursuit to study abroad. Application is made directly through individual websites.
The New York Trolley Company is offering a $500 scholarship for students enrolled in colleges in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut. Application instructions are on company’s website.
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Forty-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year. Open to all applicants with a Phi Kappa Phi chapter at their school; membership in Phi Kappa Phi is not required. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
Rotary Scholarships
The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarship is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries. Scholars studying abroad serve as ambassadors of goodwill to the people of the host country and give presentations about their homelands, studies, and projects. Upon returning home, they share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to greater understanding of their host countries. Application is made directly through your local Rotary Club.
Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship
The SCSF was founded on the belief that any desiring individual in need should have the opportunity to further his or her education. This website also has a scholarship resource list. Application is made directly through the organization’s website.
U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship Program
A program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program offers fully-funded intensive summer language institutes in thirteen critical foreign languages. The selection process is administered by American Councils for International Education with awards approved by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The CLS Program is administered by American Councils and The Ohio State University/Ohio University.
U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to help fund proposals by American college students to carry out brief work, about four to six weeks, in foreign countries on topics related to the mandate of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and that seek to build strong ties among nations.
Other Sources
Search for scholarships provided by organizations in your hometown, county, and state (such as heritage groups or service-oriented membership organizations). For example: Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley (Dutchess, Orange, Putnam counties).
AEP-Specific Scholarships
Many institutions will offer grants and scholarships for students studying abroad on their program. Listed below are just a few highlights of the types of funding available through some of the more popular programs for Trinity students. Be sure to check with your individual program to see if they offer any merit and/or need-based scholarships.
- Amideast Scholarships for Study Abroad in the Arab World
- Arcadia University Scholarships
- CIEE Global Access Initiative (GAIN)
- DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia
- IFSA-Butler Scholarships and Funding programs
- IES Abroad Scholarships
- School for Field Studies (SFS)
- SEA Semester
- SIT Study Abroad Scholarships
Other Funding Opportunities
International Student Loans are available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are planning to study abroad through a school-sanctioned study abroad program at either the undergraduate or graduate level, while still attending an approved school within the U.S.
Institute of International Education provides a directory featuring detailed descriptions of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, grants, and paid internships for U.S. undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, and professionals. Search by Field of Study, Region/Country, a particular scholarship by name, or any keyword.
Diversity Abroad provides resources, including a list of scholarships and grants, available to Asian, Black, Latino and other racially diverse students, as well as first-generation, economically disadvantaged, and students with disabilities.
GoAbroad scholarship advice and search tool provides a traditional search option for scholarships by country and subject.
Fund My Travel provides students a platform to create a profile and raise funds with the help of family and friends.
Trinity Signature Programs ONLY:
Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal
Notice of voluntary withdrawal from a Trinity College study away program must be made by the traveler, in writing, and sent electronically, to the respective study away advisor in the Trinity College Office of Study Away (OSA). The date of withdrawal will be determined by the date on which the OSA receives notice.
- Refunds can only be made to the person whose name appears on the student account; payments cannot be transferred to another account.
- In order to qualify for refunds in accordance with Trinity College’s standard cancellation policy, the students account must be up to date.
- Students who withdraw from their study away program (voluntarily or per college requirement) after confirming their participation on the program will forfeit the $500 deposit (visiting students) and any other expenses incurred by the program on their behalf. This amount will be charged to the student’s account.
- Students who are required by Trinity College to withdraw from the program for disciplinary reasons after the start date will not receive any refund.
- Room, meal and excursion charges may be partially refundable depending on the program and when official withdrawal occurs.
- International insurance is refundable for remaining days left of the program after official withdrawal occurs.
Refund Schedule
If official withdrawal occurs after classes begin, the following schedule reflects the amount of tuition and fees that will be refunded:
First and Second Week 80%
Third Week 60%
Fourth Week 40%
Fifth Week 20%
After Fifth Week 0%
Wherever possible, the Trinity College Study Away Withdrawal and Refund Policy reflects the college’s refund policy on campus ( ).
If a student decides to withdraw from their Approved External Program they MUST contact their program directly and the Office of Study Away ([email protected]).
In the event a student withdraws from their Approved External Program, financial refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Approved External Program and necessary departments at Trinity College.
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